
Agbodza demands prosecution over $2m Sky Train project

Governs Kwame Agbodza, the Ranking Member of Parliament’s Roads and Transport Committee, is calling for the prosecution of Ghana Infrastructure Investment Fund officials who approved a $2 million investment in a Sky Train venture. According to Governs Agbodza, the required due diligence and feasibility studies were not carried out before the project began. In a press conference in Parliament, Governs Agbodza stated that the transaction is illegal and that those involved must face the conse...[Read More]

Ghana bought $2m shares in Sky Train Company

Ghana reported a net liability of US$2 million paid in 2019 as a premium to acquire ordinary shares for the development of the Accra Sky Train Project. This is stated in the Auditor General’s report on the Public Accounts of Ghana’s Public Boards, Corporations, and Other Statutory Institutions for the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 2021. According to the report, Africa Investor Holdings Limited established a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) in Mauritius in order to establish Ghana Sky T...[Read More]