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Ghanaian worker slashed by his Chinese boss

Ghanaian worker slashed by his Chinese boss

On September 28, Ghanaian workers at Paulichenda Engineering in Kweikuma, Western Region, revolted against one of their Chinese bosses, who attempted to slash one of them in the throat.

According to one of the employees, they had worked for the entire month but had yet to be paid.

“So we had a meeting and asked our Chinese employer why we hadn’t been paid,” he explained on Connect FM’s Omanbapa morning show to Nhyiraba Paa Kwesi Simpson.

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He stated that one of them then went to the Chinese boss to find out why the delay was occurring, as they were frustrated and had families to care for.

“In the heat of the argument, the Chinese boss pulled out a flick knife and slashed our colleague’s throat,” he explained.

Isaac Boateng, a machine operator, suffered serious injuries and was rushed to Effiankwanta Hospital.

He was treated and then released.

Xue Hue, a Chinese national, was arrested on Thursday, September 29 and will be arraigned in court on Friday.

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