Education in Africa cannot be overemphasized as it is undoubtedly the most important consideration that Africa needs to evolve and develop as a continent. Unfortunately, education remains out of reach for the majority of children in some parts of Africa.
“More than 150 million children aged 3 – 5 do not have access to pre-primary education, including more than 80% of children in low-income countries”.
These children grow up to become adults, and leaders, in the nearest future. The development of the country depends on them. Would the country fall or stand? This answer is dependent on the leaders of tomorrow; the kids of today. Hence, to ensure the security of the future, education and it’s importance need to be emphasized. An absence of such would lead to the following;
1)Unexposed leaders
No one wants a leader or leaders that are ‘old school’ or in other words, ignorant of the rapid technological growth in our recent world. Such can’t represent the country elsewhere and even if they could, there’ll be a limit as to how well they can. Uneducated people do not easily fit in social situations. Education gives that exposure. There’s always an upper hand with it and everyone wants a leader with that upper hand.
2) Unemployment
As the popular adage says ” you attract what you worth.” – Anonymous. Poverty and unemployment are inextricably intertwined. People with little education or those who only completed elementary school sometimes struggle to get employment of any kind. Simply put, skilled workers only get decent jobs, and education is the primary route to acquiring such skills.
Education is increasingly crucial in today’s world of pervasive digitalization, where knowledge is quickly rendered obsolete and traditional jobs are steadily disappearing. Education is the primary determinant of whether a person will be able to adapt to change, find a suitable job, or end up unemployed and poverty-stricken.
3) Increase in illegal activities
People with less education, the unemployed, or those with low-paying occupations frequently have to work extremely hard just to make ends meet. Therefore, it is understandable why a lack of education can frequently result in a life of crime, which such individuals frequently perceive as the quick cut or the only route out of their precarious situation. Like they say, ‘an idle man is the devil’s workshop’.
4) Poor Economy
Building a strong economy requires the attention of well-educated personnel. The economy of a country is not something that just anyone can handle let alone, an illiterate. This is the reason why most countries with underdeveloped education systems struggle with finance and can’t get out of the struggle without the aid of another. A higher percentage of the countries that are being called upon are often times well educated and learned. As humans, we run with statistics and if statistics show that a greater percentage of those countries that are always called upon and reached out to in times of need, seen as a top priority is educated and well-learned, it just drives home one thing; the importance of education in the society cannot be toyed with.
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